
Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’


Sometimes I feel none of these new age spiritual dogmas or even healing is helping (though it is for some) and I’ve been feeling that even these things I believe are not helping me. Not the thought of life being eternal, God being us, everything is One.. still there is SUFFERING and always going away from feelings that are bad. But how can I be whole, never if I try to suppress my certain feelings and thoughts, my needs.. If I don’t allow my feelings to be bad or sad, I’m never going to be whole. So I have this work for me (not that I should want anything, not even working for my spirituality) to feel my bad and sad feelings, be in them and not try to make them go away…


“You are ready for spirituality 2.0 when you realize that nothing you ever do is gonna  make you happy.”

“At a certain point in our spiritual development, we are confronted with the fact that the very things that once liberated us are now the things that holds us prisoner. We realize that in wanting to feel better or think better, we are asking ourselves to feel and think and be different. We discover that by trying to feel better or think better, or be better, we are resisting ourselves. And then the whole game changes. We leave behind the desire for manifestation. We replace all wants for the want for oneness with ourselves. We stop wanting to heal because it no longer feels good to think that something about ourselves is broken. Instead, we begin to crave integration. The spiritual apex we begin to pursue is authenticity. Authenticity is an idea that appeals to us when we begin to live in the present moment. We fall in love with what is.”

“And so, we trade the practice of going in the direction of what we want and chasing our positive emotions for the practice of going the opposite direction. And we begin by dropping into our wounds. We spend our time being with those unpleasant emotions and sensations and feelings with a listening and caring ear. We are present with ourselves with absolutely no conditions. We do not want to change the way we feel. We do not want to make the negative sensations and feelings better. We simply give them the attention that we never gave them before, back when we were so busy running from them with numbing drugs and distraction and endless self help techniques. We stop arguing against them. We become present fully with them and by doing so, these aspects integrate into our being. We learn that the reason we suffer so badly from anything, is not because of the thing itself, but because of our resistance to it. We learn that when we no longer resist any aspect of our being, when we let ourselves fully feel our feelings and fully think our thoughts, and thus we let ourselves fully be ourselves in this very moment. As a result, we become whole.”


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Jos nyt taas näitä henkisiä juttuja vähän lisäilisi:

Orbeja seuraa minua, ainakin kaksi on aina joskus digikuvissa. Sain astral Boobabylta eräältä You tube kanavaa pitävältä henkiseltä mieheltä vastausta orbeihin: Orbs can either be elemental spirits or interdimensional beings using technology that would seem supernatural from our perspective. This is why they (orbs) range in size, color and expression… For instance, some of them have symetrical geometric shapes and others will have faces in them… Some of the faces will look human and others will look alien (typical grey alien in appearance). I have seen them in their purest form on the astral plane and have even communicated telepathically with them. Even the expressions that we see on camera is very vague and thin compared to what they really look like if we could see them in their full range and spectrum. Orbs tend to hang around animals, children and very spiritual adults. They are showing up on camera more because the veil is thinning and the digital cameras today can capture a broader spectrum of light that the human eyes cannot perceive. There’s some interesting data out there about orbs by psychics and other people who study the so called ‘paranormal’ — check it out and see what you come up with.




The Magnificent Universe

Interesting learning:

-Fibonacci Sequence
-The Golden Ratio
-Fractal Universe
-Saturn Hexagon
-Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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Family, job, relations, friends, money: every thing is falling down.
Why? Because the planet is having his greatest transformation and we are
the pioneers. Every thing is not based on INTEGRITY is collapsing.The
humanity prepares itself to pass from duality (ego, separation,
judgement,…) to UNITY. We will start to use our frontal lobe (the
Unity area of our brain) insted of our two cerebral hemispheres
(feminine-masculine, intuitive-rational). But first we have to open our
heart to ONENESS and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Every thing we created along
our egos (fears, limiting thoughts….) is now collapsing. We are living
a process of a dramatic and painful purification that it will give us
the possibilty to recreate our existence totally, THINKING WITH OUR
HEARTS and mightily creating in the Unity through our frontal lobe. And
what we will create by our heart will be founded on integrity and
awareness bases.So what is collapsing now, it is what we believed to be,
to understand finally WHAT WE TRULY ARE.

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