
Posts Tagged ‘astral travel’

Lukemassa David Wilcockin Lähdekenttä kirjaa. Mainiosti tietoa 612 sivun verran.


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 I had a dream where I easily moved objects with my mind that is telekinesis, or psychokinesis, and I knew how to make the object’s energy to work with me, be it a rock or a paper and so on.. I’m interested in trying to move and affect the objects like spoon bending etc. I knew the object was vibrationally coming to me, not by ‘forcing’ it, it sort of senced my plea to come to my hand. And though I sometimes feared that the objects would move too fast or in wrong place, it never happened, they always ended up in my hand or hands. Very interesting dream.

This pic is from the movie Matrix ofcourse.


This next info is from here: http://www.karinacollins.ie/astral-travel.html

I’d like to try this:

Astral Projection/ Astral Travel

The astral body is believed to be capable of a very special type of travel. While leaving the physical body at rest, it can get up, walk around and look at its physical body, explore its surroundings and journey to new places. What makes this experience unique is that you are fully conscious and in control throughout the experience.

This process of consciously leaving the body and travelling free of physical constraints is often referred to as astral projection or astral travel. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, experts define astral projection as becoming aware that your consciousness is separate from your physical body. For instance, people describe floating above themselves and viewing their bodies during astral projection. With astral travel an individual uses this conscious awareness to experience a sense of flying to new, non-physical or physical realms.

How the mind disconnects from its everyday type of consciousness and separates from the body remains a mystery. Experts agree that having a relaxed focus, such as in meditation or when you are just about to fall asleep, helps you to reach that state, as concentrating too hard on achieving the experience may interfere with the process.

Using Tattwas To Trigger Astral Projection

making tattwas

Tattwa cards are easy to make. All you need is some white cardboard, a pair of scissors and some colouring pens or paint with strong brilliant shades of yellow, blue, red, silver and black. When you have cut 5 cards into equal size, draw the appropriate shapes and colour them in. You only need to colour or paint one side; leave the back of the card plain and white.
1. Once you have made your cards, find a quiet place, get comfortable and relax.
2. Choose a symbol and gaze intently at it for a minute, then turn it over and gaze at the blank side.
3. As you do an optical reflex will cause the symbol to appear on the back of the card. Now close your eyes and visualize what you have seen, mentally enlarging the image until it is big enough for you to pass through. Imagine yourself steeping through this mass of colour as if it were an actual door to the astral plane.

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