
Archive for December, 2010

Your voice

As your voice

came to me

like a fountain

of love over my

body and soul

leaving me so amazed

of these drops of life’s best


I was intensly waiting

and then accepting

the cord

that is between us

streching but never breaking apart

as we never can be apart

We are the same

Will we ever

travel to


our eyes full of

this feeling

is left to the


to decide.

The decade is ending

The decade is ending
something new is beginning
It is happening,
there is no getting back
no running away from this
and as the music,
poems and our voices can make us
feel so close,
our love is not going to brake easily now
Now it has so powerfull
eagle’s wings
Angel’s wings are
protecting us.

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Oli hienoa katsoa joutsenlampeen liittyvä elokuva, koska lapsena pidin vuoden 1979 japanilaisesta piirretystä joutsenlampi leffasta ja halusin balettitanssijaksi =)

Black swan on enemmänkin kertomus täydellisyyden tavoittelusta, taiteesta joka on suurempaa kuin elämä, mielen harhoista, äiti-tytärsuhteesta, kilpailusta ja monesta muusta psykologisesta aspektista. Elokuva on intensiivinen kokemus. Natalie Portman näyttelee hyvin surullista, suorastaan kituvaa naista joka pyrkii “Swaniksi”, pääosaan joutsenlampeen jossa on valkoinen ja musta joutsen. Nainen lopulta täydellisyyden pyrkimyksessään antaa rajoitteiden särkyä, ja alkaa muuttua. Taide on totta ja totuus taidetta…

Toinen leffa,M.  Night Shyamalanin tarinaan  perustuva “Devil”  eli suomeksi piru, on ihan jännittävä leffa joka kertoo ihmisten tekemien valintojen ja tekojen seuraamuksista. Mukana on anteeksiannon merkitystä. Kaikki tapahtuu skyscraperin hississä ja panin merkille, että tuon pilvenpiirtäjän ovien edessä lukee 333.

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Päivän ja kuun valossa

Päivän valossa näytit siltä kuin
olisit kuussa kulkenut.

Kuun valossa loistit kuin auringossa
olisit asunut.
Kumpikin maailma sinussa

ikivanha lapsi.
Puiden juurilta kurkotat taivaaseen
ja tähdistä hipaiset hiuksiisi pölyä.

Katsot yöstä aamuun.
Kulkiessasi vedät perässäsi
kukkaisvanaa ja tuhat uskollista

valvojaa jotka jalkojesi juureen
asumaan halajaa. Ja heistä jokaiselle
annat rakkauttasi, jaat viisauttasi.
Jokainen on tärkeä, sinun oma elämä.
Et voi loistaa ilman katsojaa, et voi elää

ilman palvojaa.


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New work has begun

nostin tällaisen enkelikortin

Angel of Talents

Full Meaning:

What talents do you have within you that have been ignored and hidden away? This Angel has come to ask you to let them shine forth!

Every human being on the planet has special talents and gifts that they came into this earthly life to express. It may be a talent for writing or music. It could be a talent for raising children or teaching. It may be that your own special talent is baking the best Lemon Pound cake ever! No matter what your talents and gifts are, there is a need for them to be expressed in the world in what ever way you feel guided to share them.

No talent, no matter how seemingly small or “unimportant”, is always wanting to be expressed and shared through you. Think of the joy that comes when you yourself are able to partake of someone else’s special talents. Perhaps there is an author whose books move your heart and soul into a state of bliss and joy. Mrs. Field’s cookies have brought joy to millions of people (as well as providing much needed employment and the circulation of money). Certainly any talent that gives you or another joy, even if it is just for a moment, is worth expressing and sharing!

You may feel that what you have to share is not as big or important as what someone else might be able to offer. This Angel wants you to know that your own talents and gifts are as important as any other. She understands that they might not seem so important to you, after all, you live with them day after day and may well take them for granted. Yet she wants you to understand that you have these talents for a reason. They are gifts that only you can offer in your own unique way. There is no one else in the world that can express your talents in precisely the same way that you can. Other people may be doing similar things, but it is YOUR unique vibration that sets your own talents apart from all others. There may be thousands of mystery writers for example and yet each of them brings their own personal style and sense of perspective to the books that they write. This Angel seeks to remind you that you too have a way of expressing your own talents that other people want to enjoy. Even if they are not yet aware that you have those abilities! This Angel knows that at a deeper level, we are all aware of each other’s talents and gifts, some we resonate with on a personal level and some we do not. Yet the ones we do resonate with, we pray that these people will find the courage and the determination to find ways of expressing their talents with us! So too are so many others praying and waiting for the day when you will allow yourself to express your talents for them!

You may feel that you really don’t have much of any sort of talent. This Angel says that indeed you have many! She has come to you today to remind you of these talents. Think of what you do with great ease, think of as fun and enjoyable to do, look forward to having more free time to do and that others have complimented you on in the past. This is something that you have a talent for! It may have started as a hobby or as an expression of love towards a friend or family member. And while it may seem to be a simply thing to you that anyone could do, it isn’t. We all come in with a wide range of talents and what may seem simple and fun for you to do, may be a big challenge to someone else. What is so important for you to understand at this time is that this Angel wants you to grasp that other people really do need for you to express your own talents as fully as you can! The world is waiting and watching to see what you will do. How shall you respond?

You may know that you have certain talents and yet do not feel that they are really worth expressing or sharing with someone else because you think to yourself “others can do these things so much better than I can”. Can you hear this Angel whispering in your ear “This is not truth! Only you can express a talent in your own style and way that is so needed on the planet at this time!” As I was typing this portion of the Angel Oracle and thinking to myself “is this really any good? Couldn’t I be doing so much better with all of this?” a quote popped into my email inbox – “You are doing better than you think you are.” – Alan Cohen

What a wonderful message from this Angel and how I love being able to pass it on now to you! Yes you may need to polish and work on your own talents. But “hiding them under a bushel” until you feel they are “worthy” of being shared is not ever going to help you feel good about what your talents are. And it only deprives others of the enjoyment and even healing they would have gained had you believed in this Angel and yourself. How often have I written something thinking it wasn’t very good, had occasion to share it with someone else and then heard from them “what you wrote has made such a positive difference in my life”. It may not have seemed like much to me at the time, yet to someone else, it made all the difference in the world. Can you also understand now that this Angel needs you to express your own talents because she knows someone is out there waiting for the healing and love that you can bring into their lives? Can you now begin to envision the possibility that you too have something valuable and important to share? Both this Angel and I pray that you do!

It may be that at this point in your life that you do not understand why you have drawn this Angel card. You may be facing a challenge that you were praying for an answer and guidance on. This card IS your answer! No matter what challenge you may be facing right now, this Angel is guiding you to use your talents in any way that you feel you can because it WILL help you overcome what you are facing! You do not need to wonder how exactly you are going to express your talents in ways that will attract worldwide attention. All you need do is start with where you are at right now. What small, simple baby-step can you take today? That is all you need to do. As you take one small step, and then another and then another, what you will find is that this Angel is working closely with you, helping you to know what the right next step is and insuring that the people and resources that you need are going to find their way to you. Your job is to focus on polishing and working with your talents as often as you can. Think of how good you feel when you are expressing and sharing your talents with others! Think of the joy your talents can bring to so many others! Think of all the times that someone has complimented you when you have been expressing your talents! Your contribution has already attracted more light and joy into the world. Give thanks for being the beloved channel for these talents that you are!

What to watch for with this Angel’s presence:

Often times there is a feeling of being nudged or even pushed to do more with a given talent that you have. It may be that someone suddenly asks you to share your talent with them or you seem to be handed opportunities right and left to express your talents in some way. Honour this and act upon it for it shall lead you to much happiness and joy if you do!

As you think about expressing one or more of your talents, you find that you are filled with inspiration and enthusiasm, finding unique ways of using and expressing your talent. Other talents that you have may also be called into play, and you will see new ways of combining them that you had never dreamt of before.

You may feel that you have to free up more time for the expression of your talents. You find that other things are slowing down or even leaving your life so that you do have the time needed to express your talents. This is a door opening for you, this Angel may even be leading you to using your talents as your livelihood. At the least, by taking the time to enjoy and express your talents it will attract a wealth of positive, fun, new energy into your life.

You may be facing a challenge in your life and finding that you have talents that really can help you overcome this challenge. If so, the energy will flow very easily and smoothly as long as you continue to take action!

You may desire to try something new, something you have always wanted to do and yet never felt you had time for or was an idle indulgence. This impulse is this Angel speaking to you, encouraging you to give it a go. You may well find that you have a talent for something that you didn’t even know was yours!

You may feel the need to make some major changes in your life (especially career) and yet have no real idea of what those changes might be or how you would even go about creating positive change. Dusting off and using all your talents, following your inner guidance will lead you further and faster to making positive changes than almost any other method. Doing what you enjoy doing and what you love to do will always lead you to better things!

Other ways to work with this Angel is to sit down with pen and paper and list all the things that you do well or even wish that you had a talent for. At first just write, try not to censor anything. Next, go through your list and on another sheet of paper list in order which activities you find the most fun and enjoyable. What gives you and others the most pleasure as you do these things? The first three things listed are the talents this Angel is asking you to really focus on at this time. The remainder is supporting talents that will help you polish and express the first three in even more fun and wonderful ways.

You may also wish to sit down with someone who knows you well and ask him or her what talents you have that they especially admire and enjoy. The answers may really surprise you! Talents that you thought of as being okay or not even worth mentioning may be the very things that others are really needing and wanting for you to express. As long as they are things that you truly enjoy doing, then you know this Angel is also encouraging you to express them more often!

You can always ask this Angel to bring you the guidance and awareness of what your true talents are and what would give you the most joy to express in your own life. She is just waiting for you to ask as she has an abundance of answers for you! Pay close attention to Synchronicity as well, for this Angel and the Angel of Synchronicity do seem to really enjoy working hand in hand to bring you the answers and guidance you need. Once you have asked for direction and clarification go find something fun and enjoyable to do. Angels are always trying to guide us into doing more that is fun and pleasurable for they know that this is the fastest and easiest way to bring more joy, enlightenment and positive energy/events into our lives.

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Merry Christmas!





194040696055038984.gif Christmas


Oooh, that 80’s hairstyle….






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Jeff Buckley quotes:

But the devil has my address and he knows where I live. He sends me money and
fancy postcards and the poems he leaves are so charming. They say
“You …….. Are in Big Trouble.”

I feel afraid and I call your name

I love your voice and your


and I know your pain.

All flowers in time

bend towards

the sun,

I know you say there’s

no one for you

But here is one.

Lots of time I feel like

I don’t belong

to this place.


My poems:

Doesn’t anyone


how the world is?

The true state of things?

People going places consumed

by things to do and get.

To stop is to realize

to think and to recognize

the truth

and the facts of life

that show the plan for us.

In their hearts

they carry a restless


of things to come

Don’t they understand

the way we are…

People mocking eachother

the men fighting

the truth away.

How can we even bear it all?

To stop is to realize

to think and to recognize the truth

and the Great plan for us…



The moon and the sun

watch as I try

to run

to see another life.














1956 interview about her childhood:

Looking back, I guess I used to play-act all the time. For one thing, it meant I could live

in a more interesting world than the one around me.

People had a habit of looking at me as if I were some kind of mirror instead of a person.

They didn’t see me, they saw their own lewd thoughts,

then they white-masked themselves by calling me the lewd one.



To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.

To just give. That takes courage; because we don’t want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt.

Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.

I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.

That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure.

I want to be like Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, and John Lennon… but I want to stay alive.

I hate polite conversation. I hate it when people stand around and go, “Hi, how are you?” I hate words that don’t have any reason or meaning. Also I hate it when people smoke in elevators and closed in places. It’s just so rude.

Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism but it also suffers from ageism. Once you reach a certain age you’re not allowed to be adventurous, you’re not allowed to be sexual. I mean, is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die?

Paulo Coelho on luck, coinsidence, and Faith

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Rhapsody of my heart

This life of vanity and vultures

I don’t see no more sense in

getting up

in the morning

and boil water to have some


To be here in this life

Just to miss


I didn’t become

Now I think of dreams–

Have we truly met in a dream
where I loved so much more than never before?

I have to hold on you now

Not let go

‘cos if I do it is my life I have to let go

So sad but true

As I started to feel


is now ending and

it will be my last breath

I can’t breath

the world is smothering me

I have repressed everything


the words are not coming

from my mouth

but through my pen

love pours from the

ink of my heart so delicately

The virtues you hold

are not yet met in my mind

I’m sure

I have to dig deeper to

know the essence of

your soul.

If I could express


it would not be so

frustrating to


no matter what
else is there

Your words are now everything
to me
it doesn’t matter
anymore if it is
killing me
some day

but now I want to feel the softness
the loveliness
and the love
in you that
you can now give to me

maybe the love
in you is now
meant to be
given to me
and my love
meant to be given to you
by a force greater than the both of us

we are from God
who knows our souls
and ours hearts
to be compatible
for eachother
he knows better than

if not never met
than at least
like this
writing to eachother…

sometimes it is greater to share souls from far away
than to
be physically

…and get tired of the other
and start fighting or hating or
not even feeling anything
for eachother…

this way our love could be forever
undisturbed by
the realities
of the everyday life
that kills every romantic

Our love can stay forever
pure at heart

now we can have so much
a dream that is always
a mystery

there is a force
that can still in time
cast us together in
some way
if it is truly a destiny
for us to meet

don’t haste don’t try to make things happen
if it is meant to be
we will be

I will not be gone
from this place,
this is our place to
meet now
in the space in our time
in the ether of
our affection


Only God can know
why I feel these feelings
of utterly compelling affection
and love

I dare to say:




My wings are to be cut off
so violently
if I have no strenght to be with you
as you left your home
and If I
will be left here
to mourn the love
we can never share together

Will it then be killed
like everyhting else

it is fragile
as can be
It can be broken

I think I may some day

have the wings
to fly
to be loved by you
to love you

Some days I have been so sad,
I am even now sad

sad and joyfull and
full of hope

I would like to
trust again
in the power of love

can I give my soul to you
or are you going to take a part of it
if I hand it out to you
or am I going to loose

Can your love heal me?

I am just a shadow
in my land
of coldness and ice

I have grown to be cold
but my inside is so warm
it can be heated by someone
like you
a man full of melodies,
sad flute and
some rhapsody


I don’t want to talk about it

Tämän lauloin melko extempore kuten muutkin laulut.

Ei mene ihan

kuten pitäisi, kun tekstikin oli vähän väärin jonka mukaan lauloin,

mutta virheineen ihan ok. Teen tämän homman niinkin yksinkertaisesti,

että kuuntelen youtubesta kappaletta ja äänitän tietokoneen

ääninauhurilla laulun.

Kissanikin tuli taas mukaan laulamaan! =)

This song is not going so well as I just sang it ex tempore

and the lyrics were a bit wrong from some site as I was singing so…

My cat sings here too! =)

Dreaming of summer…

Music is the key to fall in love

music is the answer of the world…


All around me

people living,


barely breathing.


Great Jeff Buckley Quotes

My favourites of all here:

I need you

like a tiger in the

publick cage

does crave to live outside


We are born to live,

we are born to carry

a cursed pattern

and be transformed

by pain.

In love we are all brothers and sisters.

Knowing you

I can’t believe that

true friendship is just

a dream and nobody can tell me that

loving you is just

my weakness.

Fight –

despite the crowds

of the walking dead.

If you feel blocked,

do not turn to others, but look

inside, in silence,

for the enemy of your progress.

And though the meaning fits,

there’s no relieve in this.

I miss my beautiful friend.

Do you believe there’s a healing power in love
Or is it just a fantasy
Do you believe there’s a power from above
I feel it between you and me 

And I don’t have to look in your eyes to know
There’s something going on here
That’s out of our control
This is happening too fast for us to fight

There’s a healing power
Deep in all of us
In the darkest hour
We can still rise up
There’s a new horizon
Between you and me
Everytime you take my hand I understand
All the healing power

I know now without here to see me through
My heart would shatter
‘Cause in this ever changing world
I still reach for you
You’re everything that matters

Now you don’t have to say a word, I understand
When you lay down your love that’s forever
You take me in your arms
And I can hear you say to me

There’s a healing power in love
Deep in all of us
In the darkest hour
We can still rise up
There’s a healing power
Between you and me
Everytime you take my hand I understand
The healing power

Deep in the night, when we’re soul to soul
I swear I feel the power that’s greater than our own
And when it all unfolds
We tumble through the darkness
To the great unknown

There’s a healing power
Deep in all of us
In the darkest hour
We can still rise up
There’s a new horizon
Between you and me
Everytime you take my hand I understand
All of the healing power…

A ave Maria
A ave Maria
Oo oo oo oo

Were taking over the station
Survivors of a different kind
Messages of old dimensions say that were wise

A ave Maria
A ave Maria
Oo oo oo oo

Sensations are out on parade now
Thoughts have ended up left behind
Going round in circles fighting hidden desires

A ave Maria
A ave Maria

The signals are there to read
It’s never that hard to see
Stop wasting your time you will find
Natures not always kind

A ave Maria
A ave Maria

A ave Maria
A ave Maria
A ave Maria
A ave Maria

Dream of you…


I’m caught in the midst of your caution
You breathe and I exhale
If there’s one thing I would clarify
One little thing I would justify
Is my love for you
My love for you…

I can go the distance
I can be your choice
I will be your medicine
Just when you need more…

If loving is your target
Then aim yourself at me
Cause I can go the distance
If you believe…
If you believe…

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Wiser for the Time – Frame 24

Time-lapse Photography of the Milky Way



























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Aurinko kun päätti retken,
siskoistaan jäi jälkeen hetken
päivänsäde viimeinen.
Hämärä jo mailleen hiipi,
päivänsäde kultasiipi
aikoi juuri lentää eestä sen,

Vaan menninkäisen pienen näki vastaan tulevan;
se juuri oli noussut luolastaan.
Kas, menninkäinen ennen päivän laskua ei voi
milloinkaan elää päällä maan.

He katselivat toisiansa
menninkäinen rinnassansa
tunsi kuumaa leiskuntaa.
Sanoi: “Poltat silmiäni,
mutten ole eläissäni
nähnyt mitään yhtä ihanaa!

Ei haittaa vaikka loisteesi mun sokeaksi saa
on pimeässä helppo vaeltaa.
Käy kanssani, niin kotiluolaan näytän sulle tien
ja sinut armaakseni vien!”

Mut säde vastas: “Peikko kulta,
pimeys vie hengen multa,
enkä toivo kuolemaa.
Pois mun täytyy heti mennä,
ellen kohta valoon lennä
niin en hetkeäkään elää saa!”

Ja niin lähti kaunis päivänsäde, mutta vieläkin
kun menninkäinen yksin tallustaa,
hän miettii miksi toinen täällä valon lapsi on
ja toinen yötä rakastaa.

Lyrics in English:
When the sun decided to tour,
left behind from her sisters
The last beam of day
Twilight already in woods crept,
sunbeam, gold wing
was just going to fly away from it.

But she saw a little gobling coming towards her,
it just had risen from his cave.
Now, before twilight the puck can
never live on the earth.

They looked at each other
goblin in his bosom
felt hot flames
Said: “You’re burning my eyes,
I have never in my life
seen anything so sweet!

Does not hurt, although your brightness
makes me blind,
it’s is easy to walk in the dark.
Come with me, so I’ll show you the home cave road
and take you to be my loved one.

But the sunbeam replied: “Golden Troll,
Darkness takes my life.
I don’t long for death!
Off soon I have to go,
If I don’t fly to the light at once,
I don’t get to live a single moment! ”

And so left the beautiful sunbeam, but still
when the puck alone trots,
He wonders why another child is here in the light
and the other loves the night.

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