
Archive for the ‘mystiikka’ Category

Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian author born in 1947, is renowned for his captivating narratives that explore profound themes such as destiny, spirituality, and personal fulfillment. His writing style is marked by a blend of mysticism, philosophy, and storytelling that resonates deeply with readers worldwide.

Coelho gained international fame with his novel “The Alchemist,” published in 1988, which has since become a modern classic. The story follows Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd, on a transformative journey to fulfill his dreams and discover the true meaning of life. “The Alchemist” has been translated into numerous languages and has sold millions of copies globally, solidifying Coelho’s reputation as a masterful storyteller.

In addition to “The Alchemist,” Coelho has authored a diverse range of works, including “Brida,” “Veronika Decides to Die,” “Eleven Minutes,” and “The Valkyries.” Each of these books delves into the complexities of human existence, inviting readers to reflect on their own paths and aspirations.

Coelho’s writing often draws inspiration from his own spiritual journey, which has been shaped by experiences ranging from his time as a hippie in the 1960s to his pilgrimage along the Road of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. His novels offer profound insights into the nature of love, courage, and self-discovery, making them cherished by readers seeking both entertainment and enlightenment.

With over 225 million copies of his books sold worldwide, Paulo Coelho continues to captivate audiences with his timeless tales of adventure, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. His enduring legacy as a literary luminary serves as a testament to the power of storytelling to inspire and uplift the human spirit.

I have most of his books and I love his stories. I also have many of Coelho’s Calendar books that have Catalina Estrada’s beautiful art and Coelho’s wisdom. I haven’t bought them in few years but I think I will get the ones I didn’t have because they are so beautiful with the art and the quotes, allthough they are from different years.

These links are Amazon associate links and I may be compensated if a purchase is made from them from my recommendation. 🙂

Coelho’s books in one: https://fi.pinterest.com/pin/653584964704068987/

Paulo Coelho’s complete HarperCollins paperback collection in one sleek boxed set. Includes thirteen books: The AlchemistThe PilgrimageThe ValkyriesBridaWarrior of the LightVeronika Decides to DieEleven MinutesThe Fifth MountainThe Devil and Miss PrymThe Witch of PortobelloThe ZahirThe Winner Stands Alone, and By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept.

Love: Selected Quotations Hardcover – Paulo Coelho (Author) is found in this link: https://fi.pinterest.com/pin/653584964704071556/

A movie from Coelho’s Book Veronica Decides to Die:https://fi.pinterest.com/pin/653584964704069083/

Veronika Decides to Die (2009)
Depressed by the emptiness of her life, 20-something Veronika (Sarah Michelle Gellar) attempts to commit suicide through an overdose, but survives. Waking up in a mental hospital under the supervision of Dr. Blake (David Thewlis), Veronika learns that her attempt has fatally damaged her heart, leaving her with weeks to live. Initially determined to kill herself rather than wait for death, Veronika’s will to live is rekindled by Edward (Jonathan Tucker), a handsome fellow patient.

Veronika Bestämmer sig för att dö [Blu-ray] Nordic subs. (Finnish,Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) https://fi.pinterest.com/pin/653584964704070094/

Version 1.0.0

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Life is living art blog gives tons of information for all seekers. The writer has written books of the topics that interest me. I think there are more new information now coming as increasing light and accelerating knowledge is now gaining more and more ground all over the world. 



New Age Movement got it distorted: Natural Law called Attraction cannot be controlled by using the mind:




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I’m reading book To heaven and back Mary C. Neal about her near death experience, about heaven… 

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Dr. Eben Alexander III about his journey to heaven.


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 I had a dream where I easily moved objects with my mind that is telekinesis, or psychokinesis, and I knew how to make the object’s energy to work with me, be it a rock or a paper and so on.. I’m interested in trying to move and affect the objects like spoon bending etc. I knew the object was vibrationally coming to me, not by ‘forcing’ it, it sort of senced my plea to come to my hand. And though I sometimes feared that the objects would move too fast or in wrong place, it never happened, they always ended up in my hand or hands. Very interesting dream.

This pic is from the movie Matrix ofcourse.


This next info is from here: http://www.karinacollins.ie/astral-travel.html

I’d like to try this:

Astral Projection/ Astral Travel

The astral body is believed to be capable of a very special type of travel. While leaving the physical body at rest, it can get up, walk around and look at its physical body, explore its surroundings and journey to new places. What makes this experience unique is that you are fully conscious and in control throughout the experience.

This process of consciously leaving the body and travelling free of physical constraints is often referred to as astral projection or astral travel. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, experts define astral projection as becoming aware that your consciousness is separate from your physical body. For instance, people describe floating above themselves and viewing their bodies during astral projection. With astral travel an individual uses this conscious awareness to experience a sense of flying to new, non-physical or physical realms.

How the mind disconnects from its everyday type of consciousness and separates from the body remains a mystery. Experts agree that having a relaxed focus, such as in meditation or when you are just about to fall asleep, helps you to reach that state, as concentrating too hard on achieving the experience may interfere with the process.

Using Tattwas To Trigger Astral Projection

making tattwas

Tattwa cards are easy to make. All you need is some white cardboard, a pair of scissors and some colouring pens or paint with strong brilliant shades of yellow, blue, red, silver and black. When you have cut 5 cards into equal size, draw the appropriate shapes and colour them in. You only need to colour or paint one side; leave the back of the card plain and white.
1. Once you have made your cards, find a quiet place, get comfortable and relax.
2. Choose a symbol and gaze intently at it for a minute, then turn it over and gaze at the blank side.
3. As you do an optical reflex will cause the symbol to appear on the back of the card. Now close your eyes and visualize what you have seen, mentally enlarging the image until it is big enough for you to pass through. Imagine yourself steeping through this mass of colour as if it were an actual door to the astral plane.

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Joskus tulee skannailtua tietoa lehdistäkin, tässä Ultra 2/2006 Kokemuksia OOB:sta. Kehostairtautumisesta.

OBE kokemuksia Ultra

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“Initiaatio viittaa alkuun. Yleensä termiä käytetään kun yhteisöön liitetään eli initioidaan uusi henkilö, ja tälle määrätään oma asema yhteisössä. Tällaiseen liittyy läheisesti siirtymäriitti. Initiaatio voi tarkoittaa myös vihkiytymistä jollekin tiedolle tai salaisuutena pidetylle asialle. Initiaation kohdehenkilöstä käytetään nimitystä initiaatti.

Initiaatti voi tarkoittaa myös yksilöä, joka pyrkii tietoisesti itsekehitykseen. Initiaation voi ajatella tällöin tarkoittavan, että yksilö itse vahvistaa omaa asemaansa tai itsetuntemustaan.”

Initiaatiota edeltää tai siihen johtaa usein suuri ahdistus, trauma, koettelemus joka on suunniteltu juuri tätä initiaatiota varten, suuri/a menetys/ksiä, läheisen kuolema, suuri muutos kuten avioero, ensimmäisen lapsen syntymä, jokin sairaus tai jopa oma kuolema, josta palaa  takaisin tähän elämään uusin silmin. Häpeä, viha, pelot jne. puhdistetaan. Anteeksianto avaa uuden tien.

Kun ajattelet valoa joka täyttää sinut, samalla se poistaa varjot samalla tavalla kuin jos vesilasiin jossa on likaista vettä kaadetaan puhdasta vettä, se täyttyy puhtaalla vedellä ja likainen valuu pois.

Jos on hyvin pimeällä alueella ja menee vielä syvemmälle, vielä enemmän negatiivisuuteen ja pelkoon, niin vastavuoroisesti ns. kuminauha efekti tuo sinut vielä kauemmas valoon ja iloon ja rakkauteen! Mitä kauemmas venyy sinne toiseen ääripäähän, sitä kauemmas toiseen voi ‘lentää’ kun lopulta päästää irti, antautuu.

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Jos nyt taas näitä henkisiä juttuja vähän lisäilisi:

Orbeja seuraa minua, ainakin kaksi on aina joskus digikuvissa. Sain astral Boobabylta eräältä You tube kanavaa pitävältä henkiseltä mieheltä vastausta orbeihin: Orbs can either be elemental spirits or interdimensional beings using technology that would seem supernatural from our perspective. This is why they (orbs) range in size, color and expression… For instance, some of them have symetrical geometric shapes and others will have faces in them… Some of the faces will look human and others will look alien (typical grey alien in appearance). I have seen them in their purest form on the astral plane and have even communicated telepathically with them. Even the expressions that we see on camera is very vague and thin compared to what they really look like if we could see them in their full range and spectrum. Orbs tend to hang around animals, children and very spiritual adults. They are showing up on camera more because the veil is thinning and the digital cameras today can capture a broader spectrum of light that the human eyes cannot perceive. There’s some interesting data out there about orbs by psychics and other people who study the so called ‘paranormal’ — check it out and see what you come up with.




The Magnificent Universe

Interesting learning:

-Fibonacci Sequence
-The Golden Ratio
-Fractal Universe
-Saturn Hexagon
-Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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Now it is time to reveal something about me.

I have read about indigos and their eyes (among many different metaphysical writings, books) It is said that they are differrent, many colors. Angelic people too have different eyes, and many times with a golden ring around the pupil. I have that. My eyes seem to change color  from blue to green with some yellow or golden spots. You can be the ‘judge’ of that seeing these pictures below.

This illusion really takes us in so fully that we really think we are in this world. We are here in this world now, but not FROM this world. We are so much more, multidimensional beings.

I have Reiki healing and had warm hands even before the courses.  I make people feel  good about themselves, they say. We have a responsibility for our selves and others. Love yourselves and then you can love others.

I am positive and optimistic by nature, although some life’s occurances have lowered it down a bit, but never wholly.

Almost wanting to go back home now. But not before everything gets better! There is still work to be done. Just in different sence than people usually think of work. It is time to acknowledge the work people do silently without payment or even gratitude. There is much more in life than work from nine to five…

And there are bigger dreams and there is a bigger picture to everything!

You are a GREAT SOUL that God/Goddess loves so perfectly. You are never separated from God/Goddess and your Heart is the way to feel God/Goddess in YOU. Search your self, meditate, read spiritual books and listen to uplifting music. Try to get your mind and soul higher. Smile! Laugh!

Sometimes there is no greater work than to be here in this moment, shining light and love to people around us! No need to do so much and run and go places but just BE in the NOW for people. Being present. Listening, helping, shining light and love. You can be one of these beings who are helping others to realize who they really are after your own awakening to your Greatness. This is a chain reaction wich will change the world!

Are you an  Earth Angel? Starpeople? Elemental? Wizard? Wise one? Lightworker you still may be, and usually lightworkers are one of these or something in between. Or if not, this information about different types of helpers is great for everyone! Doreen Virtue writes about it in her books. There are You Tube videos too.

Namaste.. ♥

Some Reading:

A Pocket Guide for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpeople, Walk-Ins, and Wizards! If you feel different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when the bus is coming by to take you Home, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you have a passion or talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet you yourself have struggled with addictions, relationship challenges, and such, then . . . you may be an Earth Angel. In this fascinating book, Dr. Doreen Virtue helps you understand how your spiritual-realm origin has affected your life’s mission, personality, relationships, health, and even your looks. She’ll also teach you how to feel better about yourself and all aspects of your life.
The Lightworker’s Way will help you to set your spirit free, teaching you how to have miracles in your life as an everyday experience. It tells you how to divinely plan your life, heighten your psychic receptivity, open your third eye, make peace with God, and much, much, more.

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