
Posts Tagged ‘spiritual teaching’

These are things I have written down from different YouTube videos.


Rob Cutter:

Every point of fiew about life is an opinion.

We are spirits of infinite power.

When you live a lifetime, everyone lives it because  you give it to the universe.

Every improvement you do, will benefit everyone!

Everybody lives everyone’s lifetimes.

Give everything a meaning.


From Kiesha Crowther:

We were tought to think with the mind, not the heart.

We know we are strong because we are here. Your Great I Am’s are very strong!

Only limited thinking stops us!

What limits are there to God and Goddess? None!

We are chancing.

For several hundreds of years the wisdom-keepers are here.

Prophesies are true!

Light beings are here.

We don’t have to be wisdom-keepers to knoe they are there. They have been here since the beginning.

They tought us we are The Great I Am.

In some areas the wisdom-keepers have stayed.

They stayed to keep us from destroying everything.

You are love and light. UNIFY yourselves and create

Remember who you are.

Thoughts, dreams, wishes, wants.

The goodness in you can manifest. You are your own creation. Set the mind down. Think of what you want! Make it happen!

A few thousand people are dedicated to change consciousness.

Stop taking what other say to you as reality.

What others say will have no weight if you are God/Goddess

Dream your dreams.

Wisdom must come forth now!

You are here now because you can remember

You are the strongest of the strong.

What is the most pre-historical symbol? the most sacred symbol SPIRAL.

They all saw it.

Celts: all universe, eternity godess

romans, creeks: spiral is of the Gods, oneness

islamic people: holy things, Spiral is holy

the african: woumb of great God

the orient: spiral means beginning of all life

india: it means the one female sexuality

native americans; used spiral: all energy all Great Spirit

Hopi: the sacred ones, all living things

Mayan: seasons, circle of life

polynesians: immortality

(my note: the samese in the nordic Lapland used it in the witch drums etc.)

Nobody talked about it. All knew it, they saw it! The whole world have seen the spiral.

it is everywhere!

Ancient ones, wisdom-keepers know this.

The light beings will come back.


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Uskonnot ovat eri teitä, jotka yhtyvät samaan pisteeseen. Mitä väliä on sillä, vaikka kuljemme eri teitä, kunhan vain saavumme samaan päämäärään? Todellisuudessa uskontoja on olemassa yhtä monta kuin yksilöitäkin. Osoitus uskonnollisen mielen omaksumisesta on oikeastaan kyky valita “oikein” asia monista, jotka ovat kaikki enemmän tai vähemmän “oikeita”. Pitkällisen tutkimisen ja kokemuksen nojalla olen tullut siihen tulokseen, että

1. Kaikki uskonnot ovat oikeassa
2. Kaikissa uskonnonissa on erehdyksiä
3. Kaikki uskonnot ovat minulle melkein yhtä rakkaita kuin oma hindulaisuuteni, kuten
kaikkien ihmisolentojen pitäisi olla
jokaiselle yhtä rakkaita,
kuin omat läheiset sukulaiset

Uskontoa ei saa arvostella sen huonoimpien näytteiden mukaan, vaan parhaan, mitä se ehkä on pystynyt tuottamaan, sillä sitä ja vain sitä voidaan käyttää mittapuuna mihin pyritään tai minkä tasolta koetetaan parantua. Uskonnot eivät ole tarkoitetut erottamaan ihmisiä toisistaan, ne on tarkoitettu yhdistämään. On onnetonta, että ne ovat nykyään niin vääristeltyjä, että niistä on tullut suuri riidan ja keskinäisen tappamisen aihe. Tutkimalla muita uskontoja kuin omaansa pääsee käsitykseen kaikkeen usknotojen peruskallioyhteisyydestä ja saa silmäyksen siihen yleiseen ja ehdottomaan totuuteen, mikä on “tunnustusten ja uskontojen tomun” alla. Älköön kukaan hetkeäkään pelätkö, että muiden uskontojen nöyrä tutkiminen heikentäisi tai horjuttaisi hänen luottamustaan omaansa. 

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How to Live in Times of Rapid Change 

We are obviously living in the middle of rapidly changing world where
the people like you are internally changing and physically evolving, the
planet is changing, and the world social and economic structures are
also under going rapid changes.

The changes that are giving you the strongest feeling of being in the
middle of a whirlwind and giving you that constant sense that life is so
busy and rushed, these changes are actually the INTERNAL changes!

You, the people who love the planet and care for yourselves, you are
being given constant rapid physical upgrades to continue the
transformation of your body into a super-powerful body.

Your very sensory organs are undergoing changes.

This leads to the change in your sense of how fast time is passing.

We perceive “time” based on our relationship with external physical objects.

When your very perception of the world around you is changing because
your brain and nervous system are changing, this means that your sense
of time alters as well.

Yes there are major world changes occurring, but the biggest changes are the ones very few people are talking about!

The Angels of Evolution who are overseeing this planet, as well as
myself, are constantly monitoring the state of the bodies of the people
like you who still care for your bodies and your planet.

We are constantly upgrading your system, with permission of your Higher
Self of course, to ensure that you can do the mission you wanted to do
in this world.

Here are some of my tips for how to thrive in these times of rapid change:

1. Focus on yourself. You must give time, food, sleep, and exercise to
your body on a daily basis. You cannot place the needs of others higher
then the needs of your own body, or you cannot help yourself or anyone

As you make yourself a priority in your life, you will thrive in all aspects of your life 🙂 

2. Eat healthy foods. Your body must run on whatever you feed it, so if
you feed her the best foods on the planet, raw unprocessed foods, your
body can easily fulfill her daily tasks and give you the constant
feeling of joy, strength and lightness that you deserve.

My raw food diet, the Paradise Diet makes me so happy! I have so much
more energy and strength eating this way then even my previous
unorganized raw food diet, or any other diet I’ve ever tried.

I have a daily constant joy and strength coming to me just from the food I am eating, and you can have the same 🙂

If you want more info on my dietary system you can order a telephone or
email session and I can help yo customize the Paradise Diet to your
specific needs.

3. Spend time daily doing your self-healing practices. You must do the
self-evolution techniques that you have learned, or have taught
yourself. It is very important to devote time to your self-evolution.
The angels will do what they can, but you must also participate in your
rapid transformation 🙂

If you are practicing my body activation techniques, I recommend you do
at least one of them for 20-30 minutes in the morning and evening.

Right now I highly recommend the stomach body activation, which you can
get more information about in the Rama Radio section of my site.


All Your Dreams Are Coming True

As someone who looks into the future a lot, I can assure you that all your dreams are indeed coming true.

It may at times feel like it is far slower than you’d like, but the
transformation of our physical world is leading inevitably to the
fulfillment of all your dreams and goals.

Please cherish, adore, and feed your dreams and goals, for they give you
the energy and sense of direction that can guide you through your daily

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