
Posts Tagged ‘heiluri’

Kaunista musiikkia. Ajatusta sanoissa. Tästä laulusta on lisää myöhemmin tässä tekstissä.  Beautiful music. Almost haunting atmosphere. There’s more about this song lateer in this text. About the effect it had on me.

This post is in finnish and english so my english friends know what I’m talking about here. Tämä postaus on myös englanniksi jotta englannin kieliset ystävät ymmärtävät mistä puhun.

Tänään olen tutkinut sellaista asiaa, että mikä mahtaisi olla minun tietoisuuteni taso tällä hetkellä.  Today I have been researching what is my current level of consciousness?

Heilurilla olen tutkinut asiaa käyttämällä tällaista juttua / With pendulum I have been looking into this:

Consciousness Calibration Pendulum Dowsing chart eli karttaa.

No minullahan on tuo hieno heiluri jonka olen hankkinut mutta vähän vain käyttänyt. Nyt on helpompi tehdä jonkinlaista kysymystä kun on tällainen selvä vastauskartta. Tässä toinen kartta jota voi käyttää melkein mihin vain. I have a beautiful pendulum that I haven’t been using much but now it’s easier to use with these cool charts.

Nämä löytyvät täältä/These charts you can find here and print it for your own use:


Lisäksi tällaista tietoa löytyi eri tasoista:

020 – Shame 030 – Guilt 050 – Apathy 075 – Grief
100 – Fear 125 – Desire 150 – Anger 175 – Pride
Above Levels operating in Survival Mode, Below Levels operating more from Love
200 – Courage 250 – Neutrality 310 – Willingness 350 – Acceptance
400 – Reason 500 – Love 540 – Joy 600 – Oneness
700 – 900 is Enlightenment
1000– Christ Consciousness 1100–1200 Highest 3rd Dimension 1300– 4th Dimension
1400– 5th Dimension 1500– 6th Dimension 1600– 7th Dimension 50000+ Arch Angels
Calibration Descriptions above 1000 have been determined by Bryce Jackson and not Dr. David R. Hawkins

Minä kokeilin heiluria tämän ensimäisen kartan yllä, jonka olin printannut itselleni. Ensin sain vain 250 (kuulemma suomalaisilla alle 200 tuo luku noin keskimäärin) mutta kun annoin heilurin jatkaa heilumistaan, se alkoi liikkua vielä, ja pysähtyi johonkin n 650 kohdille.

I tried the pendulum over the first chart that I had printed out. At first I got it only 250 (finnish people have average of somewhat under 200) but then the pendulum started to continue moving, and at the end my level of consciousness was at about 650.

Mutta miten mielenkiintoista olikaan, kun kokeilin äsken uudelleen tämän samaisen kartan yllä heiluriani. Kuuntelin Reecen kappaletta jo ties monennenko kerran,ja nyt tuo luku ylitti 700, ja pysähtyi 750 kohdalle!

I was listening to this Reece’s great song and tried this pendulum over the same chart again, and now it went over 700 and stopped at 750! So now my level of consciousness was increased by 100 and it is because of this song. There is a page where they have movies that are calibrated 300 or more. This song is definetly one in music to be over 300 because it has this kind of effect!

Joten nyt tietoisuuden tasoni oli noussut 100:lla ja se on varmasti Reecen kappaleen ansiota. Se vaikutti minuun niin että taso nousi!  Tuolla sivulla jolta löytyi nämä kartatkin, on elokuvia jotka ovat kalibroituja 300 tai yli, ja jos tämä musiikki otettaisiin mukaan, se varmasti olisi yksi yli 300 vaikuttava.

More info about consciousness levels:

“Duality/Polarity begins to dissipate at the 500 level and completely merges into unity/oneness at 600. At 500 you are beginning to “FEEL” the merging of the polarities and by 600 you only know the “FEELING” of oneness. If you find yourself in the 400’s of REASON, you can “THINK” you understand oneness and polarities but you can only “FEEL” them occaisionally.”
Elikkäs tämän mukaan duaalisuus ja polaarisuus alkaa hajota tuossa 500 paikkeilla, ja sulautuu ykseyteen 600:ssa. 700-900 onkin jo valaistumisen tasoa ja 1000 on Kristuksen tietoisuuden tasolla.

Olisi hyvä kuunnella tällaista omaa tietoisuuden tasoa nostavaa musiikkia, katsoa leffoja jotka vaikuttavat näin myös ja inspiroivat sielua. Esim. tuolla sivulla oli lueteltuna näitä leffoja:

Huom, katso miten vähän ‘uskonnollinen’  Passion of the Christ on tämän mukaan (täynnä pelkoa, vihaa ja kidutusta)


1 MEET THE FOCKERS.(500). This movie will definitely make you laugh out loud unless you have NO sense of humor. This is definitely one of the ALL TIME funniest movies that we have seen. Laughter is one of the highest vibrations and is known to be a very healing activity. RENT THIS one today.


0 PASSION OF THE CHRIST.(100). This movie has the lowest vibration of any movie we have experienced. Be prepared for 3 hours of FEAR, ANGER and TORTURE.

1 WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW.(700). This movie is the highest vibrational calibration that we have measured. Shows how quantum physics is now verifying how we create our own reality. The movie uses a documentary – drama format that gives both intelectual information along with the experiential. This is a MUST SEE movie. For more info go to http://www.whatthebleep.com

2 FINDING NEVERLAND .(700). This movie is based upon Love and Compassion and for me is Johnny Depps greatest performance.


1 LOVE ACTUALLY .. What a wonderful movie that shows the power of LOVE & COMPASSION in a variety of scenerios such as Fatherly Love, Brotherly Love, Physical Love, Divine Love. You will leave this movie feeling inspired! (500)

2 SECOND HAND LIONS.. What a wonderful movie that shows the power of LOVE & COMPASSION even in the elderly. You will leave this movie feeling inspired! (500)

3 WHALE RIDER.. Takes place in New Zealand with natives experiencing the change from old traditions to new ones. (500)

4 SCHOOL OF ROCK.. Rock music is the setting to exhibit what PASSION is all about. In the process, LOVE & COMPASSION is felt throughout the movie. Even though we did not care for the music, we loved this movie. (NOTE: we were the only SENIORS in the filled theatre.) (450)

5 HOLES.. A great cast and shows what LOVE & COMPASSION can overcome regardless of how hopeless the situation seems. (400)

6 A MIGHTY WIND.. What great fun this picture is with a SPOOF on the 1960’s folk music. We laughed from the very first scene and thoroughly enjoyed the folk music the way it was sung when we were younger.(400)

7 FREAKY FRIDAY.. I know this sounds really weird but it is really well done as your will understand what it is like to experience life from another’s perspective. (375)


1 BEAUTIFUL MIND.. Russell Crowe in the acting job of his career in a picture that seems to be about the intellect, you will experience a total pure consciousness feeling of LOVE when it is over. You MUST NOT MISS EXPERIENCING THIS PICTURE. (500)

2 I AM SAM.. Sean Penn had a most difficult part to play in an inspiring movie that indicates just what LOVE can actually overcome. (500)

Note: Yes we have seen Lord of the RIngs but it will never be on any of our lists of inspiring movies as it is very fear/anger based and calibrates to only a 150.


1 SHALLOW HAL..Beauty does go much deeper than the visual. Great movie for the concept of seeing beyond the INNER BEAUTY. (450)

2 MAJESTIC..Jim Carey in a really great movie about standing up for your truth in front of the whole world. (350)

3 SHREK..A really feel good about life after viewing this animated movie. (350)

4 KPAX…Kevin Spacey plays an apparent skitso frenia man in a movie that can be observed on many different levels. If you can perceive the ONENESS of the universe, this one will send you away in tears of JOY. (350)


1 SIXTH SENSE..Bruce Willis in an awesome movie about the spirit beyond and how they communicate with some of us. (350)

2 MISSION TO MARS..Perhaps the origin of life on Earth is offered to us in this movie. (200)

3 SPACE COWBOYS .. (4 old time actors that I can’t remember their names).. Boy this one was a lot of fun for us old fogeys! The old guys saved the world! (200)


1 PHANTOM MENACE…The Force again overcomes Evil…for the moment. But we know that darkness is lurking within to take control whenever the Light wavers! (400)

2 BEING JOHN MALKOVICH…A powerful movie about the stigmata affect on certain humans. The spiritual significance was overpowering to us. (400)

3 STIGMATA…A powerful movie about the stigmata affect on certain humans. The spiritual significance was overpowering to us. (350)


1 MEET JOE BLACK… Brad Pitt plays a roll that once again shows the power of LOVE reaches beyond the grave! (475)

2 HORSE WHISPERER…Robert Redford handles horses with Love. A new communication technique for training horses has revolutionized the older traditional methods. The ability to transcend the violent physical training and focus on the quiet communication via body movements and eye contact are now being applied to Corporate America. Hundreds of Corporations have signed up for these services. (425)

3 TITANIC…Why do you suppose this movie is now the ALL TIME most successful movie ever made both worldwide and domestic? Perhaps it is because James Cameron has captured the essence of experiencing the polarities at the same time! Unconditional LOVE and absolute FEAR are most evident as we are drawn into the drama as if we were on a Startrek holodeck! The emotional outpouring extends from the screen into your heart so that you may EXPERIENCE the duality of life on earth. This movie MUST be experienced on the BIG SCREEN to get the most experiencial empowerment. (400)

4 PLEASANTVILLE… Jim Carey discovers the spirit within each of us cannot be supressed forever. Our lives take on a new dimension when we switch from “outside ourselves” to “it’s within us always”. The world that we create comes from within and is projected outward! (375)

5 PATCH ADAMS … Robin Williams plays a Doctor that is inspired to help people his way and not that of the accepted professional medical profession. (350).

6 PRACTICAL MAGIC…Sandra Bullock. The empowerment of LOVE will overcome even centuries of “family curses”. Be prepared to feel inspired by this film when you allow yourself to “feel” the message of LOVE! (300)


1 CONTACT… Jodie Foster in an awesome movie that will touch your soul by making contact with other dimensions… You may actually “feel” a connection to ALL THAT IS …. we did! (450).

2 AS GOOD AS IT GETS… Jack Nicholson & Helen Hunt. A movie that shows seemingly insurmountable obstacles that LOVE can overcome. (350).

3 GOOD WILL HUNTING… Robin Williams. (375).

4 LIAR, LIAR… Jim Carey. A lawyer that MUST tell the TRUTH for 1 day..no matter what question is asked. It is hilarious and shows the importance that truth plays in our lives. (350).

1996 and Older

1 LOST HORIZONS (1937)…The original version is the one with the deepest meaning of life on Earth based upon the illusions of duality. (500).

2 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (1977)… Richard Dreyfous was obsessed to do something that he had no conscious knowledge of. This UFO movie is one of the classics that show that inter-species relationships are possible. (475).

3 GHOST (1996)..Patrick Swayze, Whoopi Goldberg. LOVE extends beyond our physical life. (450).

4 MR HOLLAND’S OPUS (1995)… Again Richard Dreyfous is in a profoundly moving movie about following ones heart instead of head. (450).

5 SOMEWHERE IN TIME (1980)… A love story that transcends time as we know it. (450).

6 GROUND HOG DAY (1993)… Each day at 6 am the exact same things happen over and over until a change is made that will cause different choices to be made. No matter what is done, however the next morning everything starts over again and the repeat cycle continues until LOVE steps in. (400)


Miten voit muuttaa tietoisuuden tasoasi? How to change your level of consciousness?

-meditaatio / meditation (chakrojen aktivoiminen on yksi tärkeä asia/ one important thing is actvation of chakras)

-muita henkisiä harjoituksia / orher spiritual practices

-visualisointi esim. valoa / visualize  light for example

-listening to high vibrational music or watching movies that inspire you (I think i proved it myself today) or reading spiritual books  / kuuntele korkeavärähteistä musiikkia tai katso elokuvia jotka inspiroivat tai lue henkisiä kirjoja (luulisin että todistin sen tänään)

-Syö terveellisesti ja vältä keinotekoisia aineita kuten aspartaamia joka on myrkkyä

/eat healthy food and avoid artificial ingredients like aspartam wich is poison

-yhtenä ehdotuksena: käytä merisuolaa / one suggestion is to use seasalt

-Vältä fluorisoituja tuotteita/ avoid fluoride

-Vältä alumiinista deodoranttia / avoid alumine in deodorant

These things help you to clean your pineal gland / nämä toimenpiteet auttavat puhdistamaan ja tehostamaan käpyrauhasen toimintaa, ja näin saamaan yhteyden kolmanteen silmään ja korkeampiin tasoihin

There’s some suggestions, there by far many more, but you can search the net or books for them

I purchased this book in english and started to read a bit / ostin tämän kirjan englannin kielisenä ja aloin jo vähän lukea sitä.


Rakastin ensimmäistä kirjaa Enkeleitä hiuksissani / I loved the first book Angels in my hair. Guess this will be great too.

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Kävin eilen Oulussa hankkimassa helurin itselleni. Pitää kokeilla vaikka tänään mitä Korkeampi Minä vastaa kysymyksiin. 🙂
Pidin tästä kristalliheilurista jossa on chakrakivet ja sydän päässä.

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