
Archive for June, 2011

Feeling out of place here.

Felt that always…

Do I ‘belong’ here or there or anywhere? Where or who belongs to me, with me? Do people ‘belong’ to someone or somewhere?

Is this just a human way of thinking and feeling restriction, boundaries and limitations.

A relationship can be suffering. Relationships can be love.

Do I love when I don’t want the other to love someone else, am I loved when I can’t love someone else?

Why do we try to own everything we love and make so many limits and do nots and want nots…

What is love and what is childish demandings for just ourselves. Does this work anymore as our consciousness is higher??


All your hidden faces
Your seven veils unfold
Give me forbidden places
All your tales untold
Give me ever and always
Ever and always
Body and soul

Heaven and hope eternal
Over your heart of gold
Sun and sunset
Burning in the flame you hold
Ever and always
Give me ever and always
Body and soul

Body and soul

Give me ever the years you wept inside when cold
All the sins and secrets never cried
All the dreams you kept and the tears you sold
Give me
Give me ever and always
Ever and always
Body and soul

Your heart
Your mind
Your body and soul


Some people get by
With a little understanding
Some people get by
With a whole lot more
I don’t know
Why you gotta be so undemanding
One thing I know
I want more
I want more

(and I need all the love that I can’t get to)
(and I need all the love I can get)
(and I need all the love that I can’t get to)

D’you get scared to feel so much?
To let somebody touch you?
So hot, so cold, so far so out of control
Hard to come by, and harder to hold

Some people get by
With a little understanding
Some people get by
With a whole lot more
I don’t know
Why you gotta be so undemanding
I want more

(and I need all the love I can get)
(and I need all the love that I can’t get to)
(and I need all the love I can get)
(and I need all the love that I can’t get to)

There are parts of me that don’t get nervous
Not the parts that shake
You won’t get what you deserve
You are what you take
Learning to cry for fun and profit
I’m not done yet
Counterfeit dollars or the English zloty
Anything I can get

Some people get by
With a little understanding
Some people get by
With a whole lot more
I don’t know
Why you gotta be so undemanding
One thing I know
I want more

(and I need all the love I can get)
(and I need all the love that I can’t get to)
(and I need all the love I can get)
(and I need all the love that I can’t get to)

All the love that you can get
All the love
That I can’t get to…

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A boy has a dream that he can float, but unless he holds on, he will drift away into the sky. Even when he is grown up, this idea recurs. After a strange accident, he walks through what may be a dream, flowing in and out of scenarios and encountering various characters. People he meets discuss science, philosophy and the life of dreaming and waking, and the protagonist gradually becomes alarmed that he cannot awake from this confusing dream.

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Dream of an angel statue and voices in the verge of falling asleep.Uni enkelipatsaasta ja ääniä nukahtamisen partaalla.

I was sitting on a chair and in the air there was materialised,  floating a statue of an angel, and it was like a non physical image, an idea. Then it lowered and I took it between my hands, and it became more heavy, material. Maybe it means that I am now materialising things I want in my life.

Näin unta jossa eteeni ilmaan materialisoitui jonkinlainen enkelipatsas, joka oli ensin kevyt, ja sitten kun sain sen käsiini, se muuttui raskaaksi… tuli mieleeni että oliko tämän tietynlainen vastuun antaminen tai vain uneen vaikuttaminen… Tai liittyiköhän jotenkin asioiden ilmentämiseen… että asioita voi ilmentää melkein kuin ilmasta…Jännä uni oli.

Montakin asiaa tulee mieleen.  Enkelit kenties ovat antaneet tai antavat minulle lahjan. Voin materialisoida elämääni helpommin jotain haluamaani. Niinkuin voi jokainen jos intensio on vahva, ja pyytää tuolta korkeammalta. =) Ehkä pitää tehdä enemmän ‘työtä’ enkeleiden kanssa. Siinä unessa se patsas oli ensin tosiaan ilmassa kuin ei olisi mitään materiaa vaan sellainen kuva, idea, sitten se muuttui materiaksi, raskaaksikin sellaiseksi. Eli kaikki on ensin ideaa, kuvaa mielessä. Sitten me ihmiset tuodaan se tänne materiaan. Tosin vielä todella hitaasti, melkoisella viiveellä ja ehdimme jo ajatella sitten ettei se tapahdukaan ja sitten käykin niin.. meidän pitää vain pitää sitä yllä, oli se sitten jokin asia, esine tai raha tai auto tai mitä vain. Siten voimme sen jonain päivänä saada. Intensio, sen pitäminen tai antaminen tuonne ‘ylös’ ja sitten ei kannata murehtia sitä tai luovuttaa, sillä silloin se energia viekin tämän kuvan ja sen materialisaation pois…hmm… tästä tuli mielenkiintoista. =)
Then few days ago I was on the verge of falling asleep and I heard some noices that were like two people talking about me. There were something magical and a box. Maybe it was a magical object. Some kind of light matrix on the air.
Sitten muutama päivä sitten olin nukahtamaisillani, ja kuulin kahden ihmisen äänen puhuvan jotain minusta, ja siinä oli jotain maagista ja laatikko. Ehkä jokin maaginen esine. Jotain kuviota ilmassa, jonkinlaista valomatriisia.

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“Summer solstice is today at 11:16 AM Mountain Daylight Time. A good time to vision what you wish for yourself in the future. By this time your patterns should be sufficiently shaken up to allow for some clarity in a new direction or at least in a realignment of how you are currently playing out your life. Do some intention work, visioning, sharing, celebrating, practicing gratitude, working with the sun and the earth, and having some fun. Enjoy the chaos and the creativity and the innovation and the inspiration and the resilience of the collective and your personal part in the experience of life on this planet. If you feel altered and unsettled, get used to it. Have fun anyway!”
~ Lena Stevens , The Power Path

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(This is my 268th post, and 2+6+8=16=1+6=7)


Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you’ve done
Forgive all your mistakes
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won’t be there

I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do
And I’ve hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won’t admit
Sometimes I just want to hide ’cause it’s you I miss
You know it’s so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back

I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do
And I’ve hurt myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I’ve missed you since you’ve been away

Oh, it’s dangerous
It’s so out of line to try to turn back time

I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do
And I’ve hurt myself

By hurting you


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Here is Veronica krestow’s page and a great breathing meditation” that is designed to gracefully replenish and regenerate you, restoring your Natural State of Well-Being. You can enjoy this audio at any time of the day to help you reclaim and attune to your center.” It really works for me!


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Auran värien merkitys:

Pinkki: yhteydessä korkeaan rakkauteen, hyväksyvä, yhteydessä auttajiin.

Punainen: perusenergiaa, voimaa, kiihkeyttä. Taitavia kanavoijia ja hoitajia. Oppiaineena löytää tasapaino kiihkeydelle; säteillä pinkkiä energiaa ja puhdasta rakkautta.

Oranssi: luova, tunteellinen, tuottelias, seikkailija, tohkea. Oppiaineena tunteet, jotka kuljettavat kokoajan ja vaikuttavat voimakkaasti. Taiteellisuus ja luovuus ja sen energian vapaan virtauksen ylläpito tärkeitä.

Keltainen: Nauttivat havannoida ja oppia uutta ja jakaa oppimaansa,uteliaita, järjestelmällisiä, analyyttisiä, iloisia, valoisia. Oppiaineena suorittamisesta irtipäästäminen ja elämän nauttiminen sellaisena kuin se on.

Violetti: intuitiivinen, taiteellinen, maaginen, futuristinen, idealistinen, liittyy kruunuchakraan,Oppiaineena uskaltaa kuulua ryhmään ja uskaltaa näyttää heille sielunsa ja vapautua eristäytyneisyydestä.

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The Real Cause of Inner Emptiness (And What to Do About It) ~ Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Do you often feel empty inside? Do you believe that others should be filling you up? Discover the real cause of inner emptiness and what to do about it.

If you feel empty, you are not alone in feeling this way.

Many people feel empty inside, and most people who feel empty have some deep, false beliefs regarding why they feel empty. Below are some of these false beliefs.

I feel empty because:

* My partner is not giving me enough love and attention.

* I don’t have a partner.

* I’m bored because my partner doesn’t provide me with enough stimulation.

* My work is unsatisfying.

* I’m not successful enough.

* I don’t have enough money.

* I have no one to play with on weekends.

* Nothing excites me. Life is boring.

* I don’t get enough love, attention and approval from friends and relatives.

* I don’t get enough sex.

None of these situations is a real cause of inner emptiness.

What do you usually do to try to fill the inner emptiness? Do you try to fill up with:

* Substances, such as food, sugar, alcohol, drugs or cigarettes?

* Processes and activities, such as TV, Internet, sex, computer games, work, shopping, spending, gambling, telephone or email?

* Attempting to get others’ attention or approval with niceness, caretaking, over-talking, story-telling, anger or blame?

There are many substances, processes, behaviors and activities that people use addictively to try to fill the emptiness. These may work for the moment, but not for long. Soon, the emptiness is back and you are looking for someone or something to temporarily fill up the black hole.

The problem with all these behaviors is that they only address the symptom of inner emptiness — not the cause.

The Cause Of Inner Emptiness

There is only one thing that truly fills the emptiness. Love. There is only one cause of inner emptiness: a lack of love.

But it is not a lack of someone else’s love that causes your emptiness. Inner emptiness is caused by self-abandonment — by not loving yourself.

Inner emptiness comes from a lack of connection with your spiritual source of love — from not opening to the love-that-is-God and bringing that love to yourself through true thought and loving action in your own behalf.

When you abandon yourself by judging yourself, ignoring your feelings by staying in your head, numbing your feelings through substance and process addictions and making others responsible for your feelings and for loving you, you will feel empty. You are causing your own emptiness by your self-abandonment.

Your ego-wounded self is filled with false beliefs regarding who you are. Your wounded self may see you as inadequate, unlovable, not good enough, not important, selfish, bad, wrong. Your wounded self operates from core shame — that you are intrinsically flawed.

These are programmed beliefs that have no basis in truth, but they may be running your life. When you believe that you are not good enough, then you turn to others and to addictions to try to feel okay — to fill the emptiness that you are causing with your self-judgment/self-abandonment.

Filling Your Inner Emptiness: Learning To Love Yourself

The truth of who you are comes only from your personal source of spiritual guidance — whatever that is for you. When you open to learning with a source of higher guidance about the truth of who you are, and about what is loving action toward yourself and others, you open to the love-that-is-God coming into your heart and filling your inner emptiness.

This occurs when you shift your attention — from protecting against pain and avoiding responsibility for your feelings through your addictive and controlling behaviors — to learning, with your higher guidance, about what is loving to yourself and others.

Today, choose the intent to learn with your higher guidance about truth and about loving yourself — even if you don’t believe that anything is there to answer you — and see what happens. You might start to feel full of love inside!
~ Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

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